Selasa, 12 Juli 2011



I get a job at Muhammadiyah Elementary School. AlhmdulillahiRABBil'aalamiin. It's time to change for me. I realize that everything we want sometimes comes true although slowly or step by step. I aware that there are so many things must I do behind this new duty. I have to be better since today. I have to be more diligent . I have to be more carefull than before. I have to improve myself discipline. I have to be more appreciate every second in my daily activity. I have to be better in managing time. Go go  go .... BISMILLAH

The higher place we get should make the humbler we're...
This is the first step...I have many more duties in front of me since now. Ya ALLAH The Lord and The Gracious, give me much more apportunities to go to better life and attitude. Aamiin

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