Rabu, 13 Juli 2011

My Summerize from "Engvid" video lesson

·        Expanding vocabularies
*Manage : management (noun), manager
*Decide-decision maker-decision
*You are smart , -à He told me that you were smart
*They lived in Indonesia à He told me that They had lived in Indonesia
*They were living in Rusia à he said that They had been living in Algeria
*They will live in Algeria à He said that They would live in Algeria
*He had broken up with His girl friend à He said that He had broken up with his girl friend
*Confess : mengaku
*As well as : maupun , dan juga, serta,
*Have run some difficulties : tlh mengalami bbrp kesuliat
·       HOW TO minimize problem ( cara mengungkapkan suatu problem besar dg meminimize-nya). Jika qt dihadapkan dlm situasi hrs menghadapi masalah maka qita bias menyatakan bbrp ungkapan di bawah ini kpd orla( atasan, client. Pelanggan dll) untuk meminimize mslh tsb , misalnya kita dihar
-          *We have a little bit prolem ,
-          *I’m afraid we have a small problem
-          *I need a lttle more time
-          * I have a small disagreement
-          *We have a slight delay ( if we are announcing the delay of the train, plane etc in a big problem)
-          *Perhaps we have a slight misunderstanding
-          We need to make a few changes
·        English in Bussiness
-          *Customer : someone who buy something from a shop or market
-          *Client : someone who buy services from professional person/organization
·        Paraphrasing( another way to say something in our own language)
-         -Synonims , ex : Hardest language to learn is MANDARIN à The most difficult lang to master is -Mandarinà Mandarin is one of the most difficult lang to master
-         -Anthonym ,ex : The school is far away à the school is not near
-         -Phrasal Verb , ex : They really dare to discard the book case àthrow away
-         -Using general verb , ex : produceà make
      -Using quotation  
·        10 common English expression
-          -Twenty four seven à 24/7 ( 24 jam penuh seminggu / every minute & every day)
-          -Let’s get the ball rolling ( let’s start now )
-          -Take it easy ( relax )
-          -Sleep on it ( thingking about the decision ), ex : “I’ll back to u tomorrow, I have to sleeop on it first.
-          -I’m broke ( I have no money at all)
-          -The meeting is at 7 o’clock sharp. ( the meeting is at 7 o’clock exactly = be on time at 7 o’clock
-          -Like the back of my hand , ex : I know him like the back of my hand ( really know well about him)
-          -Give me a hand ( asking to get help )
-          -I haven’t seen him in ages ( I haven’t seen him for a long time )
-          -Sick and tired ( really hate and don’t want to get it anymore)
·        IDIOMS
-          -All ears : listening, ex : I’m all ears ( I’m listening to )
-          -All In a day’s work ( no big problem, no big deal)
-          -All over the map : it’s incomprehemsible, very difficult to be understood
-          -All eyes on me ( everyone watch me)
·        USING OF
-          -SOMEONE,SOMEBODY,SOMETHING,SOMEWHERE        (positive sentences)
-          -NO ONE,NO BODY, NOTHING, NO WHERE                          (positive sentences)
-          -ANYONE,ANYBODY,ANYTHING,ANYWHERE                      (negative & interrogative)  

Ex:*I need to prepare something   *I want to go somewhere        *There’s nowhere to go = no place
      *I don’t need to eat anything    *I don’t want to go anywhere    *Do u want to go anywhere?
      *I have never met anyone like you    *I forget my sun glasses somewhere
Exceptional :     
·         Additional material
 -Bring(to bring ‘something’ to speaker/place) ( toward ). , pls bring your eassays to the class ( toward)
-Take (to take ‘something’ away from speaker/place) , pls take this pen with you
-Loose ( adjective): longgar ,  while “ lose”  ( verb ): kehilangan 
-Collaberate ( working together to achieve something)
-Cooperate ( help someone in doing something )
-Talk about money : borrow ( meminjam), lend ( meminjamkan), invest , deposite, owe ( berhutang), withdraw ( menarik kembali transaksi) , transfer, waste, spend
·        ADVERBS
-Adverbs of manner         : badly, well, slowly, quickly, suddenly etc. Ex : She speak English well
-Adverbs of time              : today, everyday,yesterday,tomorrow etc.Ex : I will go to College tomorow
-Adverb of place              : here, there, in the building, at school, etc. Ex : I hope iw ill be accepted there
-Adverb of quantity          : a bit, a lot, a few etc. Ex : I love this kind of lesson  a lot                               
·        WHEN to USe Article ‘The’ with places
~We should not use article “The”, when we talk about :
-          -Continents                  Asia
-          -Countries                    Indonesia
-          -States                          California
-          -Provinces                    Ontario
-          -Cities                           London,Jakarta
-          -Streets                        Veteran street
-          -Mountains                  Mount Everest, Mt.Himalaya
-          -Lakes                          Lake Ontario,Lake Toba
-          -Parks                           Central Park
~WHEN we use “The” :
-          -Desert                           The Sahara Desert
-          -Plural Countries           The United States
-          -Kingdom                       The United Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
-          -Oceans                          The Atlantic Ocean
-          -Rivers                            The Gange ( sungai Gangga), The Missouri,The Missouri        
-          -Plural moutn. Rangesà The Alps ( pegunungan Alphen)
-          -Large Areas                à The Middle East
-          -Buildings                     à The Eiffel tower

·        WISH ~ HOPE
I wish you a safe flight = I hope you have a safe flight
He never help me with the dishes , I wish he would
I’ve eaten too much, I wish I hadn’t
I hope we can pass th exam with the best result/ nice grade. Amin
I wish I were  a lecturer

·        Will & Would / Would like to
Would is more polite than will in using interrogative/question sen
- I will help you then ( real ‘future’)                                   
- I would help you but I’m really busy ( future / just imagination )
- Actually, I would like to help you but I can't.

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